I Shall Be Released (ft. @ZealLevin & @natelapointe1, orig. by The Band)

Original Artist: ,

Tips: https://jamcandy.com/product/tip-i-shall-be-released/

Merch & Tickets: https://jamcandy.com

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/6rmiDpbBTnghCsDok3tpGp?si=506a3b696ec9492a

Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/i-shall-be-released-feat-nate-lapointe-zeal-levin-single/1682542593

IG: https://www.instagram.com/sweetjamcandy/

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TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sweetjamcandy

This tune is an old favorite of the whole band, and @AnileeList absolutely crushed those vocals. We had a blast playing with @marcusrezakmusiciantoo and hope to have him back soon!


Vocals: Anilee List
Guitar: Marcus Rezak, Nate LaPointe
Bass: Derrick Eliot
Keys: Steve Aguilar
Drums: Rich Kaylor

Video & Mixing: Joel Paul Geist
Tech & Marketing: Russ Gilbert
Camera Operator: Dylan Pelle
Ops Manager: Zeal Levin
Ashley Tull: Audience Manager

Recorded Live at Hermosa Music Company, Hermosa Beach, CA